Travelers are asked to report actual, out-of-pocket expenses and may be reimbursed up to the daily limit. Meals and incidental expenses for travel less than 24 hours in duration cannot be reimbursed. For more information, see BFS Meals & Lodging.
Expenses above the daily allowance will not be reimbursed, and partial days will be reimbursed for the amount claimed by the traveler up to the maximum allowance.
Please note that while you are not required to have original receipts for food, you must fill out the Meal Log to breakdown your expenses. The daily limit is not a "per diem" and you cannot simply claim the full amount without specifying how much was spent on each meal.
If you are a group leader (paying for other's expenses), you must submit original itemized receipts for all meal costs incurred.
Per UC Policy, we cannot reimburse for any alcohol purchased, and it is the traveler's responsibility to exclude these costs from the total reimbursement requested.
Itemized receipts are always required, and should show a $0 balance due.
When a traveler lodges with a friend or relative while on official UC business, the cost of the gift to the host/hostess may be reimbursed up to $75 in lieu of lodging. Receipt required.
Foreign Travel
Reimbursement is based on State Department rates, which vary by location and are obtained by calling x7281 or x5697. Rates can also be obtained directly here.
Per diem for meals may be claimed for foreign travel without receipts.
Lodging costs must be substantiated with original receipts.
Actual expenses may be reimbursed with original receipts, up to a maximum of 150% of the per diem rate.