General Information
Prior to travel, please contact the PASC so we can assist you with planning and advise you of documentation requirements.
Before each trip where a person will leave California, travelers must register for the Business Travel program. If making arrangements through Connexxus, enrollment is automatic. If making travel arrangements outside Connexxus, complete the Business Travel Registration Form. The form, along with details regarding insurance coverage are here.
What we can assist you with
- Processing reimbursements for out-of-pocket expenses.
- Processing direct payment of registration, airfare and hotel.
- Obtaining travel advances for the traveler.
- Providing information regarding UC and funding agencies' travel regulations and policies.
Traveler's Responsibility
It is the traveler’s responsibility to submit complete information and receipts to the PASC in a timely manner, and to respond quickly to all requests.
Travelers who obtain travel advances from the PASC must submit the necessary receipts to clear out the advance within 7 days after the trip is completed. After 120 days, outstanding advances will be reported to the IRS and thus subject to taxes. Uncleared travel advances will also be charged to the grant they are associated with. It is the traveler's responsibility to clear out advances in a timely manner. Travelers are only allowed ONE travel advance per trip, so please plan accordingly.
All original receipts must be saved - including airline, meals, rental car, lodging, taxi, miscellaneous expenses, registration etc.
If you don't have the original receipt, please print and complete the Missing Receipts memo and turn it in with your travel worksheet.
For additional travel questions please contact the Financial Coordinatoar for your department.